I love writing. I don’t just love writing articles because it’s my job. I love writing stories, fanfictions and blurbs that appear in my mind out of the blue. It happens. It happens at random times and sometimes it happens a lot. My brain is active and colourful as it is dark and oppressing.
However, writing my ideas down in a place I’m not comfortable in or maybe at a dull place I’ve taken space of for the past weeks? That deters the inspiration and ideas. I get bored and tired already, lose the motivation and would blank out. That’s the worst thing that could happen to a writer.
So let’s move to different places. At least places that I, myself, love to write at sometimes.
The Classic Coffee Shop
Or teashop, it doesn’t really matter which is which since they are the same in a sense. From my own experience, writing in a tea shop or a coffee shop with a nice drink beside my laptop (and sometimes a good old pen and notebook because writing traditionally brings me peace) actually makes me write even more. Maybe it’s the ambience or the fact that I literally have nothing else to do there except sit and drink their concoction for the next few hours, who knows. I have a lover-affair with these relaxing shops because of it and I’m not even ashamed of it. My ideas just keep pouring and pouring and before I know it, I lose track of time and my hand is stiff from all the writing.

Back when I was still in school, both high school and college that is, I used to take a break in our school libraries because they provide a peace that I need. Away from my noisy friends whom I love all the same, I could gather every thought I have and turn them into ideas. I start writing in libraries because not only are they nice and cool to relax in, they are also comfortable and I can write a lot without having to worry about my surroundings bothering me. It was a habit I got back then and now that I’m a working human, I kind of miss libraries in general. You can’t really compare the smell of books and old wood with anything else.
Man Cave or She Shed
My room. The first time I got interested in writing was back when I was 13 years old. As I got into it, I started writing stories (really bad ones but all first-timers start off with awful and cringe-worthy stories) when my best friend introduced it to me. If I didn’t write stuff down on my colourful notebook in our classroom between lectures and classes (and sometimes WHILE we have lectures because I was a bad example of a proper student), I write them at home, in the comfort of my room. It’s one of my favourite places to write. Writing isn’t just a hobby or a job for me. It’s a part of me as well as an outlet for my soul. While my hand and brain does all the work, the one that really pours out the words is my soul. You hear that when training to master a sword, you’re supposed to treat that sword as an extension of your arm, right? Writing is the same for me.