If you or anyone around you has this virus, the best way to protect yourself and others is to know how to protect high-risk employees from Coronavirus at work. This means that health and safety consultants must be employed immediately to prevent the spread of the infection further than it already is. This means not only dealing with the immediate outbreak itself, but also ensuring that the virus doesn’t become a widespread issue within the workplace.
The virus which causes Coronavirus is spread through contact with bodily fluids, including blood. Once airborne, the virus cannot be prevented from spreading from one person to another, even by washing hands. So how to protect high-risk employees from Coronavirus at work? This is best done by following the guidelines set out by the British Coronavirus Society, who have set up several prevention strategies.
The BCS wishes to see that all workplaces have both desk and floor virus scanners, as well as other in-work devices such as waste management systems and biometric security devices. All staff should be trained to identify virus symptoms and be able to report these immediately to management. Regular hand wash stations should be installed, with staff required to wash their hands each and every time they enter the workplace.
Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Workers’ Safety
Neglecting the safety and health of your employees could lead to, not getting shorthanded as some of your workers would be getting sick, but you could also be faced with lawsuit, which is why you may want to have a service that provides 24 hr employment law advice for employers, if you don’t yet have an in-house lawyer and HR department that could handle this matter for you.
Infection Control Procedures & Safe Handling Practices

How to protect high-risk employees from Coronavirus at work, in the case of workers whose job involves direct contact with disinfectants or hazardous substances, includes infection control procedures, safe handling practices and ensuring there is a clear line of communication between management and workers on the ground. Training should be provided for all staff to ensure they know where to find contaminated items and how to handle them, and are aware of the need for proper disposal.
Hazardous materials safety training is a must, with all employees knowing how to recognise the signs of contamination, and what to do if they see something suspicious. It is also important that all staff are informed about the safe handling of all biohazardous materials, so that they know how to safely handle and dispose of contaminated materials. Lastly, it is vital that any suspected cases of contamination are reported immediately to the occupational health and safety authorities.
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to protecting your staff, as outbreaks can easily be prevented through regular cleaning, disinfection and hazard assessment. It is also important to implement strict guidelines for cleaning and disinfection to avoid the spread of bacteria and virus. This can be done through regular staff meetings to discuss cleaning strategies and practices, with a focus on reducing risks and improving hygiene in the workplace.
Training in safety and health issues is beneficial, and can help staff identify the best routes for reporting problems, and emphasises the importance of reporting sick or injured workers to the employer or regulatory bodies. It is also important that you have an infection control program in place, so that staff would know how to report symptoms to a doctor, and that you implement measures to stop the onset of an outbreak before it becomes serious enough to affect the general working conditions of your business. Utilise a health and safety helpline for employers so you will have experienced experts ready to guide you any time of day.
Have Coronavirus Avoidance Equipment In Place
A final thought on how to protect high-risk employees from Coronavirus would be to install Coronavirus avoidance equipment in your office. This may include hand rails, desk surface guards, hand washing facilities and other items that can be utilised to prevent the transfer of virus from one person to another. The cost of prevention can be offset against the potential costs of compensation following an outbreak. It is also a good idea to review your business insurance options, and consider whether any devices are suitable to add to the protection of your staff.